[h3][u][b]Switched to UE5 plus visual, sound and UI changes. Version 0.4.0[/b][/u][/h3] [list] [*] Due to the size of this update, there are bound to be issues here and there. If you come across any, please report them, and I will fix them as soon as possible. [*] Weather visual overhaul, improved rain and snow, the new weather will affect temperature more accurately and provide a better ambient sound. Extreme weather such as thunder and blizzards. Clouds can now provide shadow coverage. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/944a91fdc3dad64c7eb07c054041c8f5a12f24dd.gif[/img] [*] There are no longer island maps and instead will focus on valley-based maps with rivers. Due to no ocean, the dock has been removed, and a wharf and river merchant will be added in the future. [*] The is currently one new map with a random start point. There will be more added in the future. [*] Procedural maps have been removed and will most likely return in the future. [*] Due to the old maps not being available, all past saves are invalid and won't be displayed. Everyone looking to continue their saves or having issues with this version can right-click bastide-properties-beta-click drop down and select the UE4 version; this will allow you to play on the old version. [*] Converted from ue4 to ue5. A lot of the time taken to complete this update was testing and implementing and testing new features; not all of the new features with ue5 could be added due to current limitations. [*] Wood, stone and manor houses have now been replaced by wood, plaster and stone houses with four different sizes for each type. [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/449abf9261d80cf60d6c6010fc57bb0f94695ffe.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/70003b998eb5002aabfae865c59b4ae07c68e319.png[/img][/url] [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/aa4f4b55f54f22f1a8ef70ad6540e80f1e19d147.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/44c60f2d57515ef2474cc74d28e7c128e846b2d2.png[/img][/url] [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/4e7869d7599ae6029e6995fbf1302faba8fb1a06.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/8d1a1bb6b9d78b458d5b06689b230572006eb15e.png[/img][/url] [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/754039b5fd519a857a1dae9526a8b608a1c0e349.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/0d8f48021bdd5ec7e94bea9cbfa9410a45567856.png[/img][/url] [*] New main menu with scenery and changing weather. [*] Added walking noises for people and animals; will only work when on one speed. [*] Reduced illness frequency. [*] New tree visuals. [*] Now using dx12. [*] New landscape visuals. [*] Moved from visual studio 2019 to 2022. [*] Changed button noise to be softer. [*] Resource list can be moved and resized. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/df4c9eb45f12d5f2c8abc7a2b813ea323fe30135.gif[/img] [*] Resources at the top can now be shrunk down to food, wood, stone, lumber and cut stone. [*] People will no longer instantly leave at 0% happiness. Instead, they will stick around a bit longer, and if they still feel the same way, they will go. [*] Happiness now affects work speed. [*] Happiness is now more controllable but is more heavily affected by starvation, illness, freezing and thirst. [*] Firewood is now more necessary and will be used at slightly higher temperatures. [*] Camera rotation for q and e has been smoothed. The same goes for building rotation. [*] Increased animals on the map. [*] The camera angle is currently fixed for performance reasons and will slightly change while zooming in and out. This has increased performance by 3x. It may be removed when better optimized. [*] Changed new family joining formula. [*] Added river material will be tweaked in the future. [*] Much harsher building requirements. Flatter land is required for construction. [*] Buildings no longer will curve to the ground they are on. [*] Simplified building preview system. [*] Enemy attacks are now spawned so as not to have 20-30 enemies affecting performance at all times. [*] Added larger forests. [*] Added global control for button noises. [*] Reduced the rate new families join. [*] New intro music. [*] Intro music is now affected by music volume. [*] Lowered default SFX and music volume to 50 from 100 [*] Merchant has been removed and will be replaced by wharf or trading point. [*] Resource graph has been removed [*] Archers need a bow to be recruited and can be produced by the bowyer. Fletcher has been renamed bowyer. [*] Bows will be placed back in storage when unrecruited. [*] Flowers will fade in and out. [*] New anti-aliasing method. [*] Separated many functions into individual files for performance boosts. [*] New windmill visual. [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/43454e878d903da63b8950282f7aad387a43f2b3.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/0e5e5a2b8e63d1c4742382ee4d3e87818ce9ccfc.png[/img][/url] [*] New market visual. [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/f6446a2fa81e3550cdb04b323323d26452e9a838.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35398374/5c1f181b6c3e6e0ecd21a813792ef8dc849c4096.png[/img][/url] [*] Natural replanting of trees. [*] All buildings have been redone to have the exact alignment so that all buildings will face the same way the last building was placed. [*] More advanced weather switching and control. [*] Tools that aren't too damaged will return to storage when someone dies. [*] House hud now displays all food items and adjusts visual size depending. [*] Simplified villager food variables. [*] Improved gender selection. [*] Farms won't be planted during winter. [*] Villager list is now movable. [*] Villager list will now update every second. [*] Changed field path avoidance. [*] House quality and density affect happiness more. [*] Improved foliage blending. [*] Max hunters set to 1. This is due to hunters clearing their hunting area very fast than having no animals to hunt. [*] Villagers will attempt to only walk over certain parts of the river. Currently, they are not too clear but are shallow. [*] Optimized textures. [*] Unable to harvest trees or rocks outside of map boundary. [*] Added a delay to command drag because it was accidentally triggered too often. [*] Increased delay between songs. [*] When clicking on trees, you can see their log output. [*] Tree log output will show 0 for trees too small for felling. [*] Changed the policy button to be a small button at the top left. [*] Reduced pasture animal fat production. [*] Reduced hunter's animal fat production. [*] Reduced how often chickens make noise. [*] Safe eating system can use in the market. [*] Changed fish icon. [*] Improved camera start location, angle and height. [*] Larger happiness reduction from higher taxation, not having clothes, shoes or tools. [*] Improved wheat pathing. [*] Simplified building preview system. [*] Improved beer translation. [*] Improved pasture gate movement. [*] Fixed stuttering issue causing significant issues with larger populations. [*] Fixed shoe issue where regular shoes would provide more happiness than warm shoes. [*] Fixed bloom issue. [*] Fixed issue with job tracking. [*] Fixed animal off-screen movement issue. [*] Fixed issue with enemy attacks. [*] Fixed firewood issue. [*] Fixed fisherman issue. [*] Fixed pasture issue. [*] Fixed issue with break time. [*] Fixed fighting issue. [*] Fixed pillory issue. [*] Fixed delta issue. [*] Fixed issue with nighttime fighting. [*] Fixed issue with people list. [*] Fixed issue with map load. [*] Fixed farm instancing. [*] Fix hunters hunting animals issue. [*] Fixed issue with carrying food home. [*] Fixed temperature calculation. [*] Fixed issue with body temperature. [*] Fixed multiple box collision issues for the field. [*] Fixed issue with grass distribution. [*] Fixed multiple significant issues. [*] Fixed graphics pop up to quit the game. [*] Fixed all spacing and colour issues relating to buttons and the conversion. [*] Fixed issue with enemy checks. [*] Fixed infinite loop in save game. [*] Fixed right click not cancelling destroy path. [*] Fixed cloth distance visual. [*] Fixed gatherer unable to grab items. [*] Fixed map load stall. [*] Fixed villager carrying item visual could be seen when the villager was rendered out. [*] Fixed nighttime and morning indirect lighting. [*] Fixed orchard visual not showing when there are no pears on the tree. [*] Fixed building info disappearing. [*] Fixed cold intolerance trait not working. [*] Fixed smoke on new homes was automatically starting. [*] Fixed issue where the original building was being spawned smaller than intended. [*] Fixed pathing issue for enemies. [*] Fixed starving, ill, cold or thirsty villagers being added to the affected list even when dead. Now that this conversion has been completed, game updates will go back to frequent this will not be set for every week. There may be an update every week but now and then it will take longer possible 3 4 weeks as there are some significant performance reworks, a reimplementation of procedural maps and game mechanic changes to be done in the future. [/list]