[h1]Zlime Update Patch 0.8.3E[/h1] [h2]General Updates[/h2] [list] [*] Added a Skip Story button guide to skip through story scenes. [*] Added BGM sound during initial settings. [*] Added chest animation when chests spawn. [/list] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Players can now dash while attacking or using skills. [*] Players can now dash during casting to cancel the cast (no cooldown and no MP cost). [*] Defense stat can now mitigate damage by up to 70% (down from 80%). [/list] [h2]Relic Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Lucky Star: Crit chance increased from 3% to 4%. [*] Iron Plate: Attack penalty reduced from -5 to -3. [*] Mana Ring: Added option to increase Attack by 2. [*] Mana Bag: Added option to increase Skill Damage by 25%. [*] Wizard Hat: Removed Attack +5 bonus, replaced with Skill Damage +35%. [*] Elder Vine: Skill Damage bonus increased from 25% to 35%. [*] Wind Divine Ring: Movement Speed bonus reduced from 1.5 to 1 (wind aura radius also reduced). [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed Consume Mastery skill not working on boss-type monsters. [*] Fixed tutorial window appearing while warping to the next stage. [*] Fixed HP/MP Potions appearing at the base after warping back to base. [*] Fixed items being stuck inside Hidden Areas. [*] Fixed skill button icons overlapping during Event Battle Event and Questman Minigame. [*] Fixed some monsters below skill unlock requirements being able to use skills. [*] Fixed characters getting stuck in the air. [*] Fixed SFX sound not playing when scrolling UI during initial settings. [*] Fixed Summons getting stuck when falling into pits. [*] Fixed Pet Relics attacking obstacles. [*] Fixed some map layers displaying incorrectly. [*] Fixed game crashes when skipping story. [*] Fixed UI display errors. [*] Fixed Pet Relic functionality issues. [*] Fixed incorrect "No Damage" condition checks in Battle Event maps [*] Fixed World 3 boss calculation errors [*] Fixed other minor bugs. [/list]