[h3]Wound Man ver. 0.1.1 is Now Available![/h3] After about a year of development, we are thrilled to announce the release of Wound Man in Early Access. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the game and welcome any feedback you may have. Wound Man began as a single-concept puzzle and has evolved into a complete game with 90 levels, with more on the way. We have a variety of features in development, which we plan to introduce continuously over the coming months. [h3]Look out for these updates:[/h3] [list] [*] Level reward system [*] Opening cinematic [*] Complete story with multiple endings [*] Steam achievements [*] Secrets hidden in levels [*] User artwork creator [*] Detailed information section [*] More levels [*] More music [*] More animations [*] ... and much more! [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44711059/cc2519c43d61174471219035ad25884ad0cf34f7.gif[/img] [h3]Who is Wound Man?[/h3] For those unfamiliar with Wound Man, here's a brief overview. Wound Man first appeared in the 14th and 15th centuries as a medical diagram designed to assist medics and surgeons in identifying various ailments. The image of Wound Man has been modified over the centuries, with various artists adding their own details and flair. Many variations of Wound Man appear in this game. [h3]What is the Story?[/h3] In the game, Wound Man serves as your humble guide on a grotesque and macabre adventure. He is a tulpa brought into existence through humanity’s desire to recreate human anatomy on the page. Persisting for centuries as the embodiment of medical drawings crafted throughout the ages, Wound Man was initially formed by master anatomists to provide vital information to medics, healers, and surgeons. He has become the soul of all nameless medical diagrams of the male form. His tale is one of woe - poked, shot, stabbed, dissected. He has provided an indispensable service, but at what cost? There was a time when he could set aside the horror of his circumstance and find comfort in his plight because of his partner's love. She was a salve to his open wounds. Alas, his partner, once a tulpa herself, has slipped from existence due to the creeping obscurity of her artwork. Wound Man needs your help. You can revive his lost eternal partner with your thoughts. He is counting on your help to collect pieces of her soul and restore her to her former state. [h3]What's Next?[/h3] Currently, Wound Man is unfinished, but we fully intend to deliver a completed game. We appreciate any and all help you can provide through purchasing the game and providing feedback. We hope to offer continuous updates and improvements during the Early Access phase. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible - we are a small but eager team, so please bear with us. [h3]Thank You![/h3] We thank you, and Wound Man thanks you!