[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30481962/89c73df9917822f786da8f38909a218aad8574eb.jpg[/img] A brand new box, packed with a powerful title, the heroic Dragon Knight Costume and a mystical unicorn: head on over to the NosMall between [b]29th April (11 AM) and 6th May (11 AM CEST)[/b] and pick up the Eternal Fabulous Knight Box. With a bit of fortune you’ll find a [b]Dragon Knight Costume[/b], the [b]‘Eternal’ title[/b], the [b]Mystical Unicorn Chest[/b] or one of many other valuable treasures inside. [h3]Eternal Fabulous Knight Box[/h3] Open the box and find out what’s waiting for you inside! You receive one of these surprises from the box: [list][*]Eternal (Title)[/*][*]Dragon Knight Costume (Permanent)[/*][*]One-Winged Perti Specialist Partner Card[/*][*]Mystical Unicorn Chest[/*][*]6x Ancelloan’s Blessing[/*][*]30x Soulstone Blessing[/*][*]80x Cylloan Spring Water[/*][*]8x Fairy Booster[/*][*]5x Tarot Card Game[/*][*]30x Sealed Vessel[/*][*]5x Treasure Chest Skeleton Key[/*][*]12x Fairy Experience Potion[/*][/list] [b]‘Eternal’ title effects:[/b] [list][*]Increases all attacks by 8%[/*][*]All specialist stats are increased by 3[/*][/list] [b]Dragon Knight Costume effects:[/b] [list][*]Increases magic defence by the player’s level[/*][*]Movement speed +2[/*][/list] [b]One-Winged Perti (buffs and skills on level S):[/b] [list][*]Increases champion experience earned by up to 20%[/*][*]Reduces incoming damage by up to 20%[/*][*]Protective Fire Shield – reduces fire damage taken by Perti by 15%[/*][*]Attackers have a 10% chance of receiving the Deadly Burn debuff[/*][*]Deadly Burn:[list][*]Reduces fire resistance by 25[/*][*]Every 2 seconds, health points are reduced by three times the level of Perti’s owner[/*][/list][/*][/list] [b]Mystical Unicorn Chest[/b]From this chest you can choose 1 of 3 different unicorns.