[h3]Before we get into today's update - take a look at April's last big update featuring CTF-Lagoon in case you missed it![/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1469060/view/4216006291770097029 [h3][u]Maps and More! Update Overview[/u][/h3] Welcome to Update 1.10.16802 for May 9th, 2024! This update includes one of the biggest changes to the in-game UI yet - the minimap. Players will be able to have a glanceable as well as expandable view of teammate, enemy, and objective locations - enabling a whole new level of situational awareness. On top of that - players will find a whole host of updates, tweaks, and fixes for their game experience. (More FOV, anyone?) [b]Important Note: With this update we are moving to a new back-end system for item management. While we get it fully operational, you will not see your customization items. We will be migrating the items to the new system over the next 24-48 hours. After that point if you continue not to see your earned customization items, please reach out to us on Discord or info@vectorzstudios.com [/b] [h3]UI[/h3] [list][*] [b]Minimap:[/b] Overlays player, enemy (if detected by IFF), objective positions on the HUD. [list][*]Customizable features are: minimap on/off, rotation with player or static, minimap compass enable/disable. [/list][list][*]Additionally - you can set a keybind to toggle minimap or cycle map zoom.[/list][/list][list][*] [b]Full Map Display:[/b] In addition to the minimap, players also open a larger map to display a wider gamespace. [list][*]Needs to be set with a keybind. [/list][/list][list] [*] [b]Radial HP / Health Bars:[/b] Health Points and the Energy Bar are now visible in the center of the HUD. They provide a quick view of your player state and energy. [list][*]Each can be enabled or disabled independently in the Settings menu.[/list][/list][list][*] [b]Practice Menu:[/b] Several updates to the usability and functionality of the CTRL+P menu. [list][*]Slight visual update[/list] [list][*]Fixed various refresh issues[/list] [list][*]Fixed blurring issue[/list] [list][*]Fixed titles wrapping on multiple lines[/list] [list][*]Prevent left click/mousewheel issues[/list] [list][*]Escape key now closes the menu, but only when the mouse cursor is over the widget[/list] [list][*]Fixed duplicate Bot/Location/Drill when saving under a new name[/list] [list][*]Added buttons to load Pub Starter data, and generic Pub Starter data to edit/save[/list] [list][*]Updated Save Practice Data filename to include the mapname ( {map}-{date}.txt)[/list] [list][*]Added help tab[/list][list][*]Added buttons to spawn bots directly from the route list[/list][/list][list][*] [b]Other Updates:[/b] [list][*]Added a basic movement video tutorial after the welcome message[/list][list][*]Added a players online counter to main menu[/list][list][*]Added a list of spectators to the scoreboard overlay[/list] [/list][h3]Maps[/h3][list][*] [b]CTF-Nightflare:[/b] [list][*]Disabled collision on foliage rocks[/list][list][*]Smoothed patch of rough terrain front-right of base[/list][/list][list][*] [b]CTF-Relay:[/b] [list][*]Smoothed terrain where tower was on previous map versions[/list][list][*]Added new back spawn[/list][list][*]Lowered some of the middle rocks and radar[/list][/list][list][*] [b]CTF-Elite:[/b] [list][*]Added cactus to help landmark back-left route[/list][list][*]Prevented collision with crane vents (fixes accidental movement while walking on rim)[/list][/list][list][*] [b]CTF-Vortex (Prototype):[/b] [list][*]Protocype maps open using console commands and are not in map vote pool[/list][/list] [h3]Additional Updates[/h3][list][*]Increased FOV slider maximum to 150. Players have used configs to increase their FOV, we feel that it is only appropriate for all players to have this option via Settings [*]Adjusted rubberbanding fix to reduce desync issues [*]Players now spawn with 3 beacons instead of 1, added a UI element for beacon count[*]Nuggets dropped on death have new VFX to improve visibility and understanding [*] Improvement to crashes when joining servers [*] Reduced AFK timeout to 30 seconds from 60[/list] Have fun and see you in-game!