Leave the laws of the road in your rearview and reap the benefits with Triple Rewards on Open Wheel Races. Choose your tires and time your visits to the pit lane in these high-speed races, handing out 3X GTA$ and RP all week long. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//6144970/22a0ed867bb371949f9422e3cd0a9c7a3a7a9f43.jpg[/img] GET THE ROCKSTAR RACING SUIT Win 3 Open Wheel Races to complete the Weekly Challenge and receive GTA$100,000 and the Rockstar Racing Suit. 3X GTA$ AND RP ON RC BANDITO RACES Shrink down to curb height and sideswipe your diminutive, remote-controlled competition on your way to 3X GTA$ and RP for competing in RC Bandito Races. 4X GTA$ ON TAXI WORK There’s more than one way to make a living behind the wheel. Taxi Work rewards smooth driving and safely delivering clients to their destinations with 4X GTA$ through May 8. Head over to the Downtown Cab Co. in East Vinewood to get started. [url=https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/7554ko9953a52a/accelerate-earnings-with-3x-gta-and-rp-on-open-wheel-races]See full event details at the Rockstar Newswire.[/url]